RPCE Editorial Board member wins research grant

RPCE Editorial Board member wins research grant
Robin Simmons, Professor of Education at the University of Huddersfield, has recently won a grant from the Society for Educational Studies to research the history of the liberal studies movement. The research will use oral history methods to investigate the views and experiences of former liberal and general studies (LS/GS) who took part in LS/GS alongside their vocational studies in FE colleges during the 1970s and ‘80s. It follows on from a recently completed project, funded by the Raymond Williams Foundation, which focused on pedagogy in liberal studies from the perspective of former LS/GS teachers.   
Robin has written extensively on various aspects of the history of further education. His last paper, based on findings from the Raymond Williams project, was published in the British Journal of Educational Studies and he has recently had a paper accepted by the Oxford Review of Education on liberal studies and critical pedagogy.
Robin is also currently co-editing a special issue of the journal International Studies in Sociology of Education with his University of Huddersfield colleague, Professor Paul Thomas, on the theme of Youth and Insecurity. The special issue will be published later this year and feature papers from leading researchers based in Australia, the Far East, North America and Europe, as well as the UK.