Teaching and Learning for Occupational Practice: A multi-disciplinary and multi-level perspective


Call for Papers


Editors: Sai Loo and Erica Smith


Following the successful publication of the research monograph (Loo and Jameson, 2017), Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education: Policy, Programmes and Pedagogy by Routledge in August 2016, in which the two editors were involved, there is now a call for another edited research monograph. Rather than confining vocational or work-related education and training to England as in the previous research monograph, this one focuses on a global perspective of work-related or occupational education and training. Moreover, it covers the whole range of qualification levels available for occupational preparation and also the provision of professional development. The aim of the book is to advance the way in which we understand such programmes by drawing on multiple perspectives.

Work-related, occupational or vocational provisions, for the purposes of this publication, refer to education pathways that offer learners with know-how (such as knowledge, capacities, attributes and skills) relating to the world of work. These occupational pathways may be available through technical and vocational education and training (TVET) (e.g. equine studies, health and social care and tourism), first degree/higher vocational (e.g. dental hygiene and accounting) or professional (e.g. training of clinicians) education and professional development.

In this Call for Papers, the editors are keen to accept manuscripts, preferably based on empirical research, using theoretical frameworks that have applicability in multiple disciplines and ideally at multiple qualification levels. Contributors may come from academics or practitioners in the discipline of education or may come from academics of practitioners in the professional field.

Contributions should cover one or more of the following areas:

  1. Perspectives of teachers who are involved in the programmes.
  2. Practitioners’ perspectives on education and training for the occupations/


  1. Learners’ perspectives of education and training for professional practice.
  2. Perspectives of policy makers, professional/occupational bodies and other related stakeholders (e.g. researchers from academic and professional institutions and socio-development change agencies such as think tanks and transnational organisations (such as the OECD) which have an interest in, and contribute to developments in, occupational education and training.
  3. The impact of information, communication and electronic technologies on the delivery of the work-related provisions of education and training.
  4. Training or education of teachers who deliver on work-related provisions.
  5. Perspectives of teacher educators (teacher trainers) who are involved in the training of teachers delivering the programmes or professional development.

Investigating and understanding these actors and stakeholders in occupational learning provisions across the academic levels and at an international level forms the foci of this Call for Papers.

There is a two-phase approach starting with abstracts. Each abstract should be between 400-500 words inclusive of a short reference list using Harvard referencing style, in Times New Roman font and a font size of 12. They should include a title, author’s name, position and institution, e-mail address, the topic of investigation, related conceptual frameworks, details of empirical study (qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies), findings and contributions of the study. The successful authors, after a double-blind peer review of the abstracts, will be offered to submit a full paper of 5,000-7,000 word length with specific instructions at the next phase.


Submission Instructions

Interested authors are invited to address their queries and submit their manuscripts by e-mail to Sai Loo at sai.loo@ucl.ac.uk.


Please note the following dates:

Phase 1: Abstract screening (deadline for submitting abstracts: 30 June 2017)


Date by which authors of successful proposals will be notified: 15 July 2017


Phase 2: Manuscript review (deadline for submitting manuscripts: 30 September 2017)


Date by which authors of successful submissions will be notified: 30 October 2017


Expected research monograph publication date: Later half of 2018


Each submitted manuscript will undergo a double-blind review process and the decision of the reviewers and editors will be final.


Contact email: sai.loo@ucl.ac.uk



Dr Sai Loo, University College London, England and Professor Erica Smith, Federation University, Australia.